Housing Programs - (COMING SOON)
Program Information
The Family Institute for Health & Human Services, Inc. provides educational, feeding and affordable housing. Our affordable housing program provides rental opportunities, home ownership acquisition, financial literacy, credit counseling, and job skill training. Our overall our aim is not only help individuals obtain affordable housing, but provide community stabilization.
Our Affordable Housing Program
The Family Institute for Health & Human Services, Inc. provides affordable housing to individual with low to moderate incomes. Our target audiences are individuals in our community that have aged out of foster care, developmentally disabled, and homeless veterans.
What Is Affordable Housing?
As a general accepted definition affordable housing is defined as paying no more than 30 percent of your annual income on housing. Research show that families who pay more than 30 percent of their income for housing are considered cost burdened and may have difficulty affording necessities such as food, clothing, transportation and medical care. Over 12 million renters and homeowners now pay more than 50 percent of their annual incomes for housing. Also, families with one full-time worker earning the minimum wage cannot afford the local fair-market rent for a two-bedroom apartment anywhere in the United States. The lack of affordable housing is a significant hardship for low-income households preventing them from meeting their other basic needs, such as nutrition and healthcare, education or saving for their future and that of their families.
Rehab Homes
The Family Institute for Health & Human Services, Inc. works in conjunction with Charlotte Homes and Rental and community volunteer to assist us with rehab homes that we acquire through our affordable housing program.
Want to help or have questions?
704 753 7835
5 days a week
from 8:30 am to 5:00 Pm